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A movie page with 3D-animated shorts describing a vision fed upon science-fiction films of all sorts, "ordinary reality" and creative thinking to most extent. Short films made on a low-budget using software such as Blender, GIMP, Cyberlink PowerDirector, Audacity and FastTracker II!

It's about getting the experience, to inspire and to meet like-minded people,
about the passion involved to create something with a unique look
and to communicate on a deeper level!

To be honest it's also about telling stories, to immerse oneself into other worlds and to create interesting characters.
A way of playing god to a large degree!

Can You Believe
In Images So Real?
A Leap Of Faith
Inside The Film Vault!


Screenshot above from "Alien Forever" (2022).
The latest short by Andreas Ingo!



Take a look at the new film Formulas with a running time of 2:04 minutes. (435 MB)

The video-file can also be downloaded as a MP4-File here (8 MB) with some loss of video-quality.

It's a short film with an abstract mathematical language describing the birth of a new intellect represented by original music made in FastTracker 2 for DOS and images created using Blender for Windows, the 2D-graphics program "Krita" and some video editing software.

It was a joy of creation that needed some preparations mostly concerning the technical aspects of the film-making.

The poster to the film can be downloaded in larger size here.

The most remarkable thing about this film was that it was made in a frenzy during only three days. Rewarding the filmmaker with new insights into the process of filmmaking leading to new visions for his coming films.

A version of the film with Swedish subtitles can be downloaded here.

A 3D-rendering made by Andreas Ingo representing the times of the ancient greeks.

The temple "Parthenon" in particular was the inspiration behind this work simply called "In Ancient Greece".

Download an image of the 3D-rendering here.

Is it something about the greek philosopher Aristotle resulting in "heroic" conquests by Alexander The Great around 350 BC?

A video presentation of the model can be downloaded here. (8 MB)


A new computer animated film by Andreas Ingo made in programs such as Blender, FastTracker II and Krita.

Made with the intention to bring people to enlightenment an experimental mindset went into the making of the film. A daring adventure beyond the concepts of "should be" to find an original vision grounded in the reality of the occult universe.

Watch the film and enjoy! APPEARANCE (4:18 minutes - 885 MB)

The video-file can also be downloaded as a MP4-File here (14.8 MB) with some loss of video-quality.

This film was very hard technologically speaking.

But even more challenging than computer technology was the scientific approach to solve new problems on the way and to endure many working hours. The idea in the film emerged in a nightly dream.

A version with swedish subtitles can be downloaded here.

Take a look and enjoy!

. ~ . OCEANIC . ~ .

An underwater demonstration with a striking similarity to James Cameron's The Abyss but more futuristic.

A look the animator (Andreas Ingo) has in mind for some of his coming films.

An abstract underwater scenario with mecha sharks, underwater implosions and more of the same kind.

Take a look at the demo and enjoy!

OCEANIC (16 seconds - 12 MB)

The demo can also be downloaded as a MP4-File here.


A 3D-presentation of a CGI-flag using cloth effects in Blender.

Something made in spare time to develop skills for future films. Really hard to get to look right requiring a wind-object, some fluctuations and quite complex finetuning of settings.

Take a look at the video and enjoy!

FLAG (7 seconds - 2.6 MB)

- ~ - ENDGAME - ~ -

A 3D-movie-demo-reel inspired by the Alien films, post-apocalyptic films in the style of George Romero's zombie-films and John Carpenter's "The Thing". Experimenting with morphing, reflections and other effects in Blender for the
Music and sound effects were made in FastTracker II for the PC.

The alien films were the films that made the director (Andreas Ingo) interested in film-making
in the first place.
With the exception of the Avatar movie by James Cameron for the life-like achievement.

The artist really tried to make a masterpiece this time investing time especially in the technical achievement but also in the artistic expression. With focus on subtle story-telling.

Take a look at the demo-reel and enjoy!

Endgame (2 minutes and 59 seconds - 617 MB)

The video file can also be downloaded as a MP4-File here (6.2 MB) with some loss of video-quality.



A new computer animated film in 3D by Andreas Ingo completed in a period of 6 weeks. A daunting project for the filmmaker as he focused on telling a more complete story compared to earlier efforts with great attention to character, world building, dramatic punch, acting and message.

Equally he also worked hard with sound design, musical composition and 3D-modelling/rigging/animation aiming for the transcendent.

The story is about a frail flying creature living inside a tree to test his wings to create with magic. He's a hybrid between a bird and something from the alien kingdom. Proving his worth as his path collides with a blue A.I living closeby in a house with a green garden.

Great attention to the 3D-art was made from a technological perspective: Using deep shadows, bloom, perspective, camera work, HDRI-lighting and more in Blender (the 3D-program chosen for this film) for a life-like sensation aiming for photo-realism but getting there more in spirit than in actuality as planned before the project entered the 3D-modelling/rigging/animation phase.

A CGI-look with a realistic approach chosen for an abstract visual language fitting for the magical look of the film.

Download the film as an AVI-File here. (5.06 minutes - 1.02 GB)

The film can also be downloaded as a MP4-File with some loss of video quality here. (5.06 minutes - 8.78 MB)

For swedish watchers the film can be downloaded as an AVI-File with swedish subtitles here. (5.06 minutes - 1.02 GB)

A MP4-File version with some loss of video quality and swedish subtitles can also be downloaded here. (5.06 minutes - 8.93 MB)





A computer animated demo reel by Andreas Ingo to showcase his interest for underground scifi-horror films starting as a vague idea inspired by the Doom 3 game by ID Software. The film-maker expanded upon that idea and combined it with the militaristic approach described to great extent by Katheryn Bigelow in her modern war film "The Hurt Locker".


The original script
describes a setting inspired very much by the Alien-films
but deviating a bit from them.
Combining elements from the Terminator films
with the look of the Alien-films.
Also introducing bold military clone characters with a tough attitude
but still emotional
and surprised to find
in their mission.


Large focus was aimed at dreamlike visuals, good acting and epic music composed largery on a personal computer. The goal was to push the film-maker to the limit to create something that he never had seen before and at the same time feel inspired by the prior giants in the field.

The demo reel can be downloaded as an AVI-File here. (388 MB)

The original score for the film (a little bit longer than experienced in the film) is very dramatic and describes the vague inspiration for the film from a personal point of reference and can be downloaded as a MP3-File here.

Download the demo reel as a MP4-File here (6 MB) with some loss of video quality.


Message from the film-maker: Learn photorealism, build visuals upon dreamlike visualizations, push the envelope to create a new look never experienced before and go dark - the only way to feel realistic.



Download the "Spearhead" alien design here (The alien creature design intended for this film).


Download the original script as a PDF-File here.




Created in the safety of his own room a nice Swedish' spring day this rendering came out inspired by earlier attempts at something similar and using fluid visualizations to arrive at a striking image.

Technically speaking great attention was made to create a nice alpha blend effect on the wings of the dragonfly and using bump-maps and light-maps to add texture to the objects in the scene. A yellow light with a nice glow was created using HDRI-lighting for the sky.

Andreas was pleased with the vision of a huge chess board on the ground.

Download the full size rendering here.




ALIEN FOREVER - A computer animated film (In 3D) by Andreas Ingo...

It was made in ten weeks including the writing of the script, the rigging/modelling/animation phase and finally the video editing phase that included the writing of original music and adding additional sound.

A really tough project for the film-maker as he had to confront the odd occurrence that the film almost became too large of a vision to handle! It was tough doing actual animation but the weight of it (the vision!) all drained the film-maker of energy.

The feedback to this short have expressed how "powerful" this film really feels as a total experience - the aesthetics but also the "tone" of the work - something made more impressive concerning the way it was made. (The film-maker making this short all by himself!)

If something can be said to fellow film-makers and pure film-watchers alike (This is something Andreas Ingo wants to share after all!) is that film-making and real-life are possible to conquer. But in this case the film-maker had to cut down the film to a length possible to submit to short-film festivals such as Uppsala Short Film Festival and making it possible for the film-maker himself to escape the originally intended film-making process alive!


The short film is about Marillion Sinclair, a somewhat cybernetically augmented woman escaping the nine-to-five to partake in an international war. Marillion is special though - doing things in her preferred way - a personal trait that makes her experience something beyond conflict and learn rare truths on the way...

Visually the film is a combination of the visuals in "Full Metal Jacket", combined with the visual flair of "2001 - A Space Odyssey".

Going simple - making "the message" speak for itself.


Download the film as a MP4-File here (9:23 minutes - 22.6 MB).

A version with Swedish subtitles can be downloaded as a MP4-File here (9:23 minutes - 23.7 MB).

The poster for the film can be downloaded as a JPG-File here.



The video of this film can look a little bit dark on some displays
(especially on mobile phones)
so if the darkness is a problem increase
brightness on your display.

Concerning the audio it's pretty important to have a high volume set
as the power of this film in many ways comes from
the voice-acting, sound and music.

The film is also visual in a dark kind of way.



There is a couple of recently written works of music
by Andreas Ingo that connects very well to the message of the originally intended film
(Now cut down due to previously mentioned factors).
One of these albums is called "Rebirth"
and can be listened to online from links on this site.
The second song on this album is called "Wander" and is in part
used as a musical theme in this film.
The other album is called "Grove"
and hints at a darker side of the originally
intended film still having a sound of its own.



A new feature film "Alien Forever" is now rewritten by Andreas Ingo (65 Pages - Third Major Rewrite Februari 2023)
and will build upon the vision in the short presented here.

It's about the continual journey of Marillion Sinclair and a man called Trent Montgomery -
a story about continual deaths and rebirths projecting these character's strong wills into the distant future of the solar system!
But the script is much more complex than the content of the short presented here with more focus upon
deeper story-telling, solid character development and a greater sense of realism!

It's a dream project for the film-maker that mostly has made short films to build the
experience to be able to finally make this dream-project film "Alien Forever"
into reality!


- ~ - SHIFT - ~ -

- * - And A Color Of Life Defined - * -

A daunting project for the digital paint artist (Andreas Ingo) using Blender for the 3D-effect and the 2D-program Krita for the final touches. A project that was prepared for weeks in advance. A project that almost couldn't be launched.

It was due to the depth of the vision!

The painting is aiming to elevate our perception of the future, education primarily, as education many times
can mean nothing more than to apply to college or to just go on studying in high-school where most
"esoteric" subjects are looked down upon.

To be truly educated must mean more than that according to the digital painter of the work you can see!

It must mean to be able to come to one's own conclusions, doing independent research and/or applying to real jobs where you get the facts at disposal that can lead to success in one's own chosen profession.

To be truly educated can also mean to get to know what's best for oneself in the long run!

But don't get stupid: Getting "normal" education can sometimes be necessary as some jobs demand some kind of degree.
Think for yourself, chose an education that aligns with your soul purpose and have fun doing more "formal" education too.
It's all a matter of perspective and perhaps the best thing is to combine personal research with more "formal" education possibilities - to not limit oneself to "just one of a kind" modes of thinking.

I'm really interested in formal education myself!

Connecting to the digital painting is a classical work of music composed by Andreas Ingo
"A Color Of Life Defined" composed around the same time the digital art work was done (December 2022) that connects very well to the message in the painting.

Additional Message:

How "right" it feels to celebrate a huge achievement - satisfaction many times comes by pure accomplishment!

Download the digital painting in original size here.

(1920x1080 high-res image zoom in to see the fine details!)



- * - A Digital Painting By Andreas Ingo With A Time Awareness - * -

And a song "Interconnection" to add to that!


There was a time when "The Neanderthals" walked the earth,
the wolfs looked as they always had been
and somewhere there in the distant a space-ship hovered above the ground.


This is how I figuratively look upon our time as an artist. How easy it's to find remnants of the past in the now, such as the visuals of old grave sites
sharing space with ordinary tourists and seeing hauntings from modern minds in the form of modern cars (dissimilar from the space-ship in the digital painting though!)
running on electric fuel cells, having weird displays and artificial intelligence driving search engines on the consoles of the cars.

This is our ordinary life and the worlds of science-fiction authors, historians and pure realists merge!

I feel "disillusioned" in this time!
One have had great hopes, great fears and sometimes just -

Take a listen at a song "Interconnection" as a MP3-File
here connecting to the painting to complement it.

Download the digital painting in original size here.

(1920x1080 high-res image zoom in to see the fine details!)


- ~ - A LIFE EXAMINED - ~ -

- * - A Digital Painting By Andreas Ingo - * -


Man somehow lost sight of the shore!
He stranded upon a shallow island under sea level!
Reacting to increasing wind and lost sight of the course!

In happened due to fear and lack of time...


Think like Plato did in the painting!
Or even like Leonardo Da Vinci did many years later creating the helicopter seen in the foreground!

Never let your preconceived notions combine with actual empirical observations!

Many feel at odds with reality!
Take the time to make philosophy and science an important part of your life -
A life never examined is no life at all to me!

Download the digital painting in original size here.

(1920x1080 high-res image zoom in to see the fine details!)


Review - Avatar: The Way Of Water

(By Andreas Ingo 12/15/2022)

I was fully taken by this film.

The original angle, how the film-makers with different means made us care about the message. Yes, who hasn't made a film with a "green"-conscience before? But it feels like it doesn't really matter when James Cameron does it over again.

Here it feels like the characters mean what they say, that they in some way feel what they were intended to feel. Especially in the under-water sequences one can easily notice how much work has been put in. As an example its told that Kate Winslet managed to keep herself under water in seven minutes and fifteen seconds without a breath during the shooting of this film.

One wonders if the producers are joking or is this really true?

What made me do this review of this visual/emotional masterpiece was that I to some extent had to "dive deep and hardly could manage to breathe" a week before the premiere when I on an emotional level almost was lying on my death-bed!

The cinema was seven miles away. The Swedish winter was freezingly cold. How could I manage to attend the premiere?

I could hardly breathe but forced myself to fix a broken car (momentarily by the help of my father) while the hours to the premiere ticked down. At first it was a problem with the generator, then the cooling system freezed and a bad fan made it hard to see. I felt so sick I could hardly speak, felt frozen in the body, also because av some strange exhaustion with problems to breathe as a result.

And then I found myself standing in front of the Central-cinema in Sala, Sweden around an hour before the premiere and the cinema was now fully dimmed!

Were this how the director, the actors and the crew felt when they created the hard under-water sequences in "Avatar: The Way Of Water" that I now had the privilege to see?

- I can see the passion, the craftmanship behind the images that we see on the screen, especially the diving-sequences in this film, that really made me take notice!

It was also something with the introduction of Quaritch in new form in the beginning of the film that make me sucked in and a huge detonation of a railway track in the jungles of Pandora added to the increasing expectations!

Then I thought for a while: This is the largest thing I ever have seen on the big screen!

In the end though I didn't think this film always delivered in the sense of an immortal classic. The movie rather delivered a total movie-going experience that left a little to be longed for story-wise. The story is like the story in the first Avatar-movie somewhat simplified in a general sense. Most probably to engage a wider audience and make it simpler for most people to take in the visuals.

It's very much evident that a true creator-genius is behind regardless of the simplicity. Only James Cameron could have made this film is my conviction - he just has "the commercial eye" too!

Unfortunately the classic scenes didn't always make it to the big screen.

Great action, great direction, visually astounding, good performances from the actors, good music... I cared about the film much more than I had expected! In fact this film was so emotionally charged that it sometimes was hard for me to take it all in. Unfortunately a somewhat simplified story and sometimes I longed for something more.

Still it's quite astounding how something so simple on narrative grounds could keep my interest in over three hours!

The hours just swept by - so remarkably beautiful was the direction, the "Green"-awareness and the fantastic world described!

It was impossible to look away!

Important To Add!

(Some day or so after I saw this film...)

The subconscious has worked upon the film previously seen.
It feels like the film has grown in some mysterious way.
Now I have started to feel as if I have seen a classic after all!

It's like this with some films - "Blade Runner" (1982) is a good example - when it first arrived.
Everything felt so new you didn't know what to think.

As of now (12/16/2022) it feels like Avatar: The Way Of Water will be with me all of my life.

The feeling of the diving-sequences and everything that led up to the ending.

The spiritual secrets of the ocean...

Maybe Avatar: The Way Of Water will be an immortal classic after all!

Now And Then...

(Old sci-fi classics and the new time...)

It's refreshing.

After a long period of film-making - writing three cool sci-fi scripts beginning with the feature film "Evac", then "Alien Forever" (A dream project - around one hour and fifteen minutes in running length) and at last "Ideas" (Now in the writing stages) - I've had had a period of reading of old sci-fi scripts such as "The Terminator" and "Aliens" and I'm quite taken by them.

How "real" these old scripts really felt: The message, the painstaking way these films had a certain structure to them, not just in the big strokes. The painstaking attention to detail concerning story, character, worldbuilding and theme.

Being profoundly visual and given classic film scores too!

The Terminator Poster

Then it's easy to say: "They don't make films like this no more!"

But don't be fooled by that sense of pessimism: Read my review of "Avatar: The Way Of Water" above and think about new sci-fi epics such as Christopher Nolan's "Interstellar" (A film that felt like a true mind-bender to me!) and his earlier film "Inception". I would also include modern underground sci-fi classics like "District 9" by Neill Blomkamp and "Moon" by Duncan Jones and many more commercial films I would like to see such as Ridley Scott's "The Martian" and Denis Villeneuve's "Dune" (His earlier film "Blade Runner 2049" took me far, far away I must confess!). Maybe then you will begin to suspect that the future for science-fiction films looks pretty bright indeed. Still I can't neglect the craftmanship of the old sci-fi classics. Not just the films by James Cameron that I described above but think of classics like "The Thing" (1982) by John Carpenter or "Invasion Of The Body Snatchers (1978)" with Donald Sutherland in leading role - an impressive one!

Inception Poster

What really made the old films from my point of view were how the film-makers really cared about character and story not just good action sequences. How they established original premises and really, really delivered upon those premises considering the time they were made. A thing lacking in many modern films. What I have learned myself from making many feature length sci-fi scripts is that it's almost impossible to deliver the goods when the stakes are high. It's about challenging our conception of the future for instance: Maybe even changing the future I would suggest - at least when it comes down to how future sci-fi films are made.

It's something with the "rawness" of the material of the old classics too: The darkness, the understanding of human nature. The attention to detail concerning how realistic these films were made. The special effects are sometimes pretty dated, sometimes even better than modern films! They did it more "for real" with great practical effects (Think of the monsters in John Carpenter's "The Thing" and James Cameron's "Aliens" from 1986), the characters lived and breathed on the big screen and the world-building just felt right.

Reading these movie scripts is how an individual like me manages to endure long working hours when not much happens: Film-making is like being stranded on a desert island with no human to be seen. Long working hours and only some time for leisure in between. The hard part is to make "The Muse" stay alive! To feel inspired: To move beyond the fact of sitting by oneself for days, weeks and months and seeing to it that something substantial emerges on the written page anyway!

You have to be a hard calculating scientist without emotion from my point of view to find something worthwile in the end. A hard state of being but I have always been very much rewarded in the end even if it sometimes don't look that way!

I would say that is what made the "old classics" - that the film-makers had a hard work ethic and established feverish visions of the future just making "magic" happen on screen - sometimes their own lives were very much different!

A good film-maker shall endure!

Beginners - The Novel
Insignificant - Memoirs
The Light Of The Beast - The Novella
Erratic Pain - The Short Story
The Other - The Novel
Ghost Walker - The Short Story Collection
Sanity Asylum - The Short Story Collection

Ascension - The Novel
Alien Forever
The Forgotten Nomad
Star Diary