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Digital Paintings & Music PageThis page contains a lot of digital paintings and music that Andreas Ingo have made over the years. There is a progression of style to the different periods of making digital art that Andreas Ingo have adopted. At first he went for an economic style with a simple approach to find beauty in simplicity from his own perspective. Later he started to experiment more with adding chaos and more life-like complexity to his works. At last he started to experiment with found images on the net, to tweak them to fit his own art. The music found on this page is of varying quality as some of the music were made for leisure, other works (Such as "A Kind Of Balance Divine", "Abstraction" and "Rebirth") are very bright, spiritual and refined from his own perspective. The feedback for the music presented here has been astounding overall - especially concerning two of his most recent electronic music records "Afraid" and "Repetition" - electronic music records with "existential" vocals that try to capture the events in current times also expressed with a longing for revolution! (Click On The Links Below To Explore Andreas Ingo's Different Periods) Period I - "The Beauty In Simplicity" Period II - "The Chaotic & Life-Like Approach" Period III - "The Synthesis Of Found Images & Personal Expression" ~ To Think About Music So Bright And Digital Paintings Presented With Eager Sight! Put Out By An Individual Feeling Elevated A Heartfelt Work To Many Formulated! Dream Awake! |
Period I - "The Beauty In Simplicity" |
![]() MATHEMATICALA new digital painting made for leisure at the beginning. A leisure that became something more in the end.- * - The dispassionate dream of pure thinking - * -It is about the discovery of mathematics as an aesthetic choice. That something resembling abstract forms with a mathematical connection can look interesting. The full sized painting can be downloaded here. |
DarkwaveAn electronic music album written in the FastTracker II program for MS-DOS. An attempt at teenager nostalgia written pretty recently with a dark electronic sound. Inspired by giants in the electronic underground scene such as Klaus Schulze, J.M Jarre and Tangerine Dream.There's something about fading away into an electronic dreamscape at night while watching images emerge from nowhere. Listen and enjoy! 01 - DEGENERATIVE 02 - DARKWAVE 03 - VOYAGE |
SystemizeA personal take on progressive metal with dissonant song structures, odd chords and heavy bass lines. Taking inspiration from progressive metal bands such as Opeth, Tool and Steven Wilson.What if the end of human enlightenment was contrary to spiritual teachings to some extent? 01 - Sinistra 02 - Freeer 03 - Freak 04 - Drowning 05 - Dystopia |
EerieA scary song describing the eerie feeling of professional work as that can suppress feelings but elevate the mind from the bondage of irrationality.A bold statement concerning the song writer too (Andreas Ingo) as he had to give up on irrationality at one point to find structure and space for creation. Delivering the hard facts. Suffering was involved too. Listen and enjoy: Eerie |
![]() WinterA new concept album using songs previously presented on this page. It is about the reality of a Swedish winter and the struggle that it entails. A concept that went into the making of the songs.A mode of survival physically and mentally. 01 - Eerie 02 - Light 03 - Dark Here is the cover to the album available for download in larger size: Winter Listen and enjoy! |
![]() ObserverA new classical piece building on astronomical investigations the composer (Andreas Ingo) made some time ago. It is about the depth of vision of using a Binocular to inspect the strange formations on the moon, also the Pleiades and the sword of the giant Orion seen on the sky at night.A work aiming to describe the feeling of astronomical investigations in musical terms. Download the classical piece here. The computer rendering to the left can be downloaded in larger size here. Take a listen and enjoy! |
![]() ArcticA new digital painting by Andreas Ingo that started like a physical scetch.Exploring the idea of arctic light and the sense of a life lived beyond the worn trail. Is it possible? The digital painting can be downloaded in full size here: Arctic. |
InsomniaA new classical work by Andreas Ingo describing the psychological phenomena of "Insomnia" in the form of a piano sonata written after a period of shallow sleep.Pretty melancholic almost depressive sound expressing the longing for good conversation with other composers of a similar temperament. An attempt to save a lonely winter's day. ~ From a technical perspective the work is building on the piano with several voices and no other instrument for simplicity. It is also using a dramatic form used in movie soundtracks primarily. Creating complexity with inventions such as a plot and a sub-plot contrasting with the main theme and building tension. It is using the D-minor and A-minor keys to build further upon the contrasting element creating a sense of wholeness in the end. Trying to merge classical music with new visions for movie soundtracks. ~ The classical work can be downloaded here: Insomnia. |
Sublimity CollectionA classical music collection composed by Andreas Ingo with standalone songs coming together to build a larger whole.These songs have previously been presented on this page. Enjoy! ~ 01 - Sublimity 02 - Observer 03 - Insomnia 04 - Airlock |
![]() PrehistoricalThe emergence of man in the old plains of Africa still weak compared to the beast on the plain.An image that has been haunting the painter (Andreas Ingo) for years. Download the digital painting in larger size here. |
![]() References And The Other SideNow I know better.To create a total masterpiece demands a sky high goal and to be prepared to suffer to reach it. Intellect is required but to me it's more about self-surrender. It's impossible to fake it. Either you are willing to suffer for your art or the complete opposite. You never know if you will succeed with your art and how much you will be rewarded in the end. Moreover it is also a surrender to divine inspiration and will. Man can not always succeed on his own. Perhaps it has always been this way. I learnt that classics in rock music make you immersed in something greater than yourself - yes something personal to the rockstars but alien to oneself - it seems it's better to mix the personal with the impersonal. And maybe even improve upon the originals. "Metamusic" - music about music - is it possible to transcend that? And when I sang I learnt not to try too hard, rather sing with a clean voice, not overdo it. To memorize the lyrics 4-7 times, find the right tone, rhytm and total immersion. To suffer for a masterpiece. What more can be told? "References And The Other Side" is a progressive rock song and can be downloaded here. The cover for the song can be downloaded in larger size here. ~ A new song "Electric Vibes" inspired by the gloomy darkness of the prior song but moving away from the dark into the light can be downloaded here. Enjoy! |
ElectricA fast progressive rock song inspired by the song-writer's new experience to move into a large city in Sweden.Reminding him of late night parties, odd drum-beats, fast play and the look of a born intellectual. ![]() The possibility to catch a New Yorker's dream of total indulgence in city land. Listening to Frank Sinatra, reading J.D. Salinger, drinking beer, laughing and having a really fun time. An experience the song-writer really have had in the comfort of his own sleeping room. Eerie flow of odd tunes. That life not necessarily have to be "deep" all the time. Download "Electric" here. |
Neolithic Bells![]() A throwback to the middle-ages with inspiration derived from early human civilizations. A celebration of human creativity to invent new ways to conquer the world and make it easier to understand. A joy of creation leading to future conquests and glory. But also an idea of death and the afterlife represented by grave sites in nordic countries. Ideas of different kinds of celebrations that crept into the writing of the songs. The music was written on the sheet to a large extent but also in a computer program called FastTracker II. It represents a period of music exploration and study of the baroque and classical music forms leading to personal breakthroughs. "Neolithic Bells" in particular was a fun experiment with the baroque music form. The digital painting seen above ("Neolithic") was drawn by hand at first and later transferred into a computer program. The idea was to create a digital painting describing the emotion conveyed by the music presented below to add to the listening experience. It represents a will to push more for photorealism than before and less for personal leanings. ~ The arc of musical composition:Introduction. Development. Conclusion. ~ Short pieces of music connecting together with the intention to celebrate the human spirit. Listen to the songs in the right order for a deeper listening experience. 01 - Celestial. 02 - Neolithic Bells. 03 - For Joy. |
Ever After(The progressive rock song...)Anyone can have a black-out from time to time. The song was made from a total clean state. Nothing was known except the fact that I wanted to create something that I could be satisfied with in the end. This came about as I started to sense that the unknown pulled my into new directions never discovered before. I abandoned my previous ideas of “this is how it should be made” and rather entered the unknown. This song is about that and the pressure put on myself to create something great and original. I hope you like the end result. ![]() The unknown as discovered in some forms of music...The song-writer (myself) also took advantage of electronic effects found in the music program FastTracker II written for MS-DOS and running on a emulator written for Microsoft Windows. The program created a nice vibrato effect in part and also made it possible to change tempo and volume. A lot could be written about that. I am satisfied: I think music should be about existential issues. About our lives. That life is greater than art in a sense and the mix between both worlds deliver a kind of magic. Somehow I think that piece of philosophy entered the song-writing in part. Take a listen and enjoy! Download "Ever After" here. |
Digital Chords II(An electronic song with progressive elements)An electronic piece that started like a small diversion and became something more in the end. Take a listen and enjoy! DigitalDigital Chords II |
Summer's Breeze III(An Electronic Piece Of Music With Positive Vibes)- - - - - - - - - - - _ - - - - * - _ - *-A-* - _ - * - - - - A - - - - - - - - - - - - Summer's Breeze III |
Summer's Breeze - The Music Album![]() An experimental record fusing ideas such as references to music history, |
Rubber Engine(An alternative music album with a hint of irony and...)It is a new record blending the genres of jazz, classical music, indiepop, progressive metal and classical music again in that order. It was written in a soft mood where the writer (Andreas Ingo) made plans of finding a new job in a large city in Sweden. A sign of hope for the future and very much a record with a honest approach. ![]() That life can amount to much more than watching TV or something else most people find boring... Download the songs here: 01 - Rubber Engine 02 - Moonwatcher 03 - Failure 04 - Thunder 05 - Choir ~ With inspiration coming from countless nights listening to all sorts of music. ~ Time tells...An eerie trip in fairytale land. - "Failure" as a hint of coming success!Enjoy! |
![]() Jail(A hint of summer and better things to come...)A digital painting describing a view of jail leading the way to true freedom. A mode of thought narrowing down multiple options to a singular vision building strength. A thought that has haunted the painter (Andreas Ingo) for years. Technically speaking the digital painting was an experiment with cloud formations building upon true observations of Swedish skies. Also quite representative of reality in the way the trunks for the red flowers clung to the fence. In contrast to that the sun depicted in the painting was more abstract in nature. Download the full sized painting here. ~ Five new songs making the record "Rose" composed by the painter and fitting the image can be downloaded below. 01 - Rose. 02 - Eldorado. 03 - Wakeup. 04 - Harch. 05 - Final. |
![]() Abstraction(An alternative music record with a search for classical music and the abstract)A record made with the intention to mix differentiation in album-structure with unity and coherence. Classical music mixing with synth-pop, darkwave and abstract mathematical ideas to find something original. With that said it's also building a lot upon scientific investigations of traditional and non-traditional music forms. To Fill A Void With Life Elecronically Emerging In A Dream Sold To Many Listeners Yearning! Take a look at the cover in larger size here. ~ Listen to the songs in the right order for a deeper listening experience: 01 - Beauty 02 - Fixed 03 - Transition 04 - System 05 - Abstraction 06 - Ending Enjoy! |
![]() Rapture(A long slept hazy dream in an electronic landscape)Made with the intention to create an electronic production with great care for chord styles, melodies and electronic arrangements.To be awoken from a long slept dream to push into the eerie light of the day. And also to be entertained. 01 - Cozy 02 - Sleepy 03 - Precursor 04 - Risen 05 - Evening 06 - Night The cover to the album can be downloaded in full size here. Enjoy! |
Period II - "The Chaotic & Life-Like Approach" |
![]() Time(A future warfare idea built on video-game dreams)A high-concept digital art painting to depict a future warfare scenario in a realistic way.An idea that probably will creep into a new computer animated film in 3D made by the painter (Andreas Ingo) in the future. Painted with a subtle and organic approach especially considering the representations of clouds and greenery. Not considering the tank and the shed. The painting can be downloaded in original size here. Enjoy! |
New Retrospect AlbumsPresenting three older albums written and recorded years ago in a dark and edgy style.They were written originally with a lot of inspiration coming from gothic rock bands such as "London After Midnight", "Bauhaus" and "The Cure". Also with inspiration coming from the now dead but still great David Bowie. The musician (Andreas Ingo) really tried to make something personal with that inspiration though. Concerning the music itself it's building upon synthesizers, electric guitar and deep vocals. A lot of experimentation was made to combine the electronic element (using an old computer programs written for MS-DOS) with the live-recording with voice and electric guitar. A lot of care was given to deliver strong vocals and to write with darkness, fluidity and originality in mind. Several individuals have suggested that was sensed heavily in the music years ago. |
Art In Motion |
On The Edge |
Empty |
![]() Yellow(A digital art painting modelled upon teenager art lessons)A painting that is the culmination of a lot of digital art experiments by the artist (Andreas Ingo) from an early age using odd color-schemes, soft lighting, dark patterns and magical cloud formations.Emotional truth. The painting can be downloaded in original size here. |
![]() SummerA music record with an alternative vibe made several years ago while the song-writer (Andreas Ingo) lived in a small town called Heby in Sweden. It's building upon the experience of travelling Sweden by car mostly in the south part of Sweden. Catching the feeling of late summer nights."Drowning" in still lakes. But also reflecting upon something lacking in the song-writer's quest for personal development. Longing away from organized religion to find solace in love itself to transcend the notion of christian love and to find joy in suffering instead. It wasn't a horrific suffering though it was just a way for the song-writer to feel more alive. 01 - Summer 02 - Reflections 03 - Black 04 - Compassion 05 - For God 06 - Enter 07 - Death ![]() EnduranceA counter-point to the "Summer" record that is a bit more calm in sound. Seeking order, peace & quiet to make it feel like a nice walk a beautiful winter's morning.01 - Mysteria 02 - Yes Slide 03 - Bad Song 04 - D Minor Strings 05 - New Money 06 - Celesta |
![]() Memories Of Spaceflight(A digital art painting searching for the light of the future)A painting that started as a fun digital art experiment and become something more in the end.The painter (Andreas Ingo) experimented with landscape and weather effects to create the feeling of nostalgia as the space-flight depicted in the painting also is a working memory of science-fiction films seen when the painter was young. Idealistic Movies like The Abyss, 2001 - A Space Odyssey and Close Encounters Of The Third Kind. The painting can be downloaded in original size here. |
![]() Empire(A progressive rock act by Andreas Ingo)A somber music record born from the desire to closure to many free-thinker years.A completion, a sense of closure to finally move on into more refined territory. A closure and also a wake-up call for many young free-thinkers not knowing about the perils of the journey. The sense of despair, the sense of "moisture" in the air. The reading of philosophy - of many books! The perils but also the experience of inner depth, the inner calm, the recognition of timeless wisdom! The spiritual awakening and finally the great reward! It's a record the composer is very, very pleased with. It has an emotion he never have experienced elsewhere!
01 - Chariot Race02 - Victory 03 - Middle Ground 04 - Temperate The cover to the album can be downloaded in full size here. Enjoy! |
![]() Dissimilarities In Modern Times(The difference between city life in Africa and life on the arid plains)The contrast being huge when you start to think about it! The difference between the priviligued class in the modern cities and the people out on the plains. City life can be hectic and in need of good communication. Life on the plains goes on even if no people is there to see it.What reality would you prefer?Download the digital painting by Andreas Ingo in full size here. |
Counterpoint(An alternative music record building upon music-theory)01 - Scaling 02 - Harmonics 03 - Counterpoint Enjoy! |
![]() 2001 - A Recall(Fond Memories Of Watching "2001: A Space Odyssey" As A Young Adult)Yes, it's something I've realized as a fully grown adult too. That there hardly exists a better science-fiction epic than that! It was something with the collaboration between Stanley Kubrick (For the spellbinding images and direction) and Arthur C. Clarke (For the classic content) that really made a difference.After reading of many Arthur C. Clarke novels including "Rendezvous With Rama", "Childhood's End" and others I've come to the conclusion that we need more great "hard" science-fiction novels to bring some clarity into how we look upon the future, the past and outer space. The glasses we use to put life here on earth in perspective too. A science-fiction novel by Clarke I haven't read is "Songs From Distant Earth". Might read it and review it here on the "Continuation" site in the future. Download the digital painting here. |
![]() Flowers - A Fun Contrast?As an antithesis to the science-fiction theme of "2001 - A Space Odyssey" the digital painter (Andreas Ingo) presents a lucid flower painting from the depths of the heart.Does it work as an "artsy" fun contrast a bit more soft from an artist's point of view? Download the painting in full size here. |
![]() Devil(An alternative music record by Andreas Ingo)In a dreamscape with occult vibrations a record is born from the pure unconscious. It's something that not easily can be explained. A psychological surrender to individual will. So I present it as that. A work of the subconscious describing the path of an alternative musician having fun on his own terms.And this record is the result. 01 - Memory 02 - Artwork 03 - Sleeper 04 - Xenophobia 04 - Summery Enjoy! |
![]() Training - A Digital Art ProjectA digital painting that started as a physical scetch a little bit more bright in tone. The digital painter (Andreas Ingo) thought it would be fun to make it a little darker, to add a fire, to make the tree stand out in rust-red colour and make the light of the bike glow in the dark.Also the shimmering in the ocean was an added effect. It was a work that took around a week to complete. Not only the actual work but dreaming about it, making notes and adding to the initial image. The message from the artist is that you need to catch the magic, to move beyond knowledge into the magical land of feelings and nostalgia. Download the digital painting in full size here. |
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Dark Poem -- >Afraid Has Many Connotations Scared By Any Means Presenting Content With Affirmations Blinded By Complex Deeds Describing A life Lived And Sometimes Death Round A Prison Of Wind And Fame Suntanned Existence Entirely Sound Breathe! |
AfraidA deep song created to overcome the fear of ridicule in social situations. The fear of waking up in the morning not knowing if to snuff it. The hard anticipation of what will happen if revolution becomes a success!You figure... Download the song as a MP3-File here. |
![]() The VoidOvercoming The Fear Of The UnknownA digital art painting that was created with the intention to overcome the fear of moving into another landscape of Sweden with new people, new work schedules and leisure time. The hard part is that the soul is not adjusted to total freedom - freedom to travel to any place one likes. To partner up with other adventurers and artists that have escaped the 9-5 to find happiness in alternative pursuits. One thing to say something hard to master in practise. ~ Moving Back From An Another Dimension To Distill Knowledge For A Few Never To Intrude Upon That Ascension For Conventionalists Seeking A Boring Truth. As Morning Gives Way For Day And Night Becomes A Sensed Something The Burden Of Proof Leads Way To Unexplored Frontiers Beyond Monetary Counting. Explore!~ Download the song "The Void" as a complement to the digital painting and the poem as a MP3-File here. Download the digital painting in full size here. |
![]() SymmetryA digital painting aiming to describe future businessWhat if future business would look like something that companies like Apple and Microsoft would aim for? Grounded in contemporary business, in mathematical predictions, in the stock market but also make business fun for coworkers and consumers alike? That it would be fun to work in a future company where the future is not set. Where great competition can be predicted in the open market and consumers really don't know what they're searching for. It takes a daring man to adjust to that! ~ Download the digital painting in full size here. |
![]() ItalicA Personal Tune To Celebrate The Currents In The Current TimeIs it possible to use the net as a tool for intellectual development investigating areas such as human history, breakthroughs in rocket science, artificial intelligence and robotics? Using documentary films to catch the currents in the current time? And then build upon that. The song-writer (Andreas Ingo) thinks that is possible. Better than ordinary travel in a sense as travel can be physically and socially daunting and the net presents many options for investigations that is hard to conduct with travel alone. Primarily using documentary films.~ With all this said the song-writer thinks that good research has to be combined with a critical mind-set and free-thinking as documentary film hardly can be proven true to a hundred percent. Instead watch all kinds of documentaries and do comparative research and find a way to implement found insights in real life and test if the theories actually are correct. Conduct travel to other places as an example to see if what you found in a documentary actually is true |
![]() Ambient Pentatonic(An electronic album with a "devilish" ambience)An electronic album with the aim to make something "ambient" using the devilish tone F# to a large extent and using odd harmonies and tones focusing in on the home-made scale of C4 - F#4 - C5 to create a unique sound also with "cool" bass lines and "bold" percussion to add to that!A fun thing made to "fill in" the space between other projects. 01 - Ambient Mode 02 - Deviant Circle 03 - Choir Pentatonic 04 - Lush Chromatic 05 - Solo Pentatonic Enjoy! |
![]() Life(A digital painting by Andreas Ingo about beauty, struggle and pain)Made in a couple of hours to ease down in between larger projects. Still the painting has a life on its own. An autobiographical account of the painter's (Andreas Ingo's) daily struggle to become fit for many tasks to come.~ Who said that life is easy?~ Download the painting in original size here. |
"A KIND OF BALANCE DIVINE"(An alternative classical work with existential vocals)A classical music work made as a contrast to the previous work "Celestial Darkness". The previous work was moody, dark and mysterious. This work is more bright in tone, more structured almost mathematical in the way it's composed. It was written to top the previous work "Celestial Darkness" in quality. With the aim to create something intellectual, spiritual and transcendent. Great attention was made to create multiple riff-lines on the violin. To complement the riffs with great attention to melody to describe the chaotic feeling that can arise as a spiritual seeker aiming for freedom can try too hard and fail only to enter unknown territory where previous plans are erased and new possibilities arises from a clean state of mind. A personal journey experienced by the composer around the time the work was written (April 2022). Technically speaking a lot of thought went into the arrangement of instruments on the page and also into the actual sounds emitted from the electronic instruments. Subtle variances of volume, significant texture being pronounced and deep equalization were arranged in order to create the illusion of a majestic sound-scape coming from the beyond. But mostly this work was about deep vocals and a honest message that can be pretty challenging for some listeners from the composers own frame of reference. It's a work made to prove to the composer (Andreas Ingo) he could top "Celestial Darkness" in quality. A third classical work A Color Of Life Defined is now composed with the aim to describe the composer's feelings concerning future education. Download "A Kind Of Balance Divine" as a MP3-File here. Enjoy! |
. * . EXPERIENTIA . * .(A Short Electronic Underground Album By Andreas Ingo)Who has ever said that music has to be about something deep and substantial? Perhaps music can be better without references to deep texts and reality and instead to be about tones, harmonies, bass lines and so on? The composer is little bit torn between these two polar opposites as he loves story telling but thinks that much music made especially in the electronic underground scene often can be better if it's written with the music itself as a primary goal. The early Tangerine Dream album "Zeit" as an example didn't have a clear reference to reality. It was rather like a dark voyage into the minds of the music creators themselves. Maybe something can be learnt from that! ~ Download the songs as MP3-Files below. (Remember to play the songs in the right order for a better listening experience.) 01 - Experientia 02 - Experientia II 03 - Experientia III ~ This album was primarily made to experiment with electronic effects such as portamento and vibrato in the FastTracker II program for MS-DOS in which the songs were made. Enjoy! |
"PLANETARIA"(An Epic Space Age Digital Painting By Andreas Ingo)![]() This is a digital painting that sets the tone for a coming feature film in 3D now in the planning stages by the painter. This film is about the scientific revolution in current times creating breaktroughs in robotics, A.I, space-flight and many other areas including satellite transmissions for remote internet connections on earth and more. But it's not going to limit itself to the now also the distant future is pondered about by the painter just in this moment (With a deep consciousness regarding future man) and deep throwbacks to earlier times including the breaktroughs in science made by Leonardo Da Vinci hundreds of years ago are going to make it into the film. It also sets the tone for the coming revelation of a new digital painting in huge size "Grand Suspicion Of Coming Times" planned to look good on huge computer displays in high-resolution mode. Download the digital painting in original size here. Enjoy! |
"Variation"(A short progressive rock album by Andreas Ingo)A short music album made by Andreas Ingo early in his career and it proves to himself that a creator of music not necessarily has to become better with age. Nowadays he thinks that his earlier efforts had a lot going on quality wise depending on the strong-willed idealism of the music creator. He demanded really much from himself in the beginning and he thinks it shows in the music. Later he found out the pleasure of writing music just for fun and he thinks his songs suffered because of it. The more "pleasurable" songs are easily forgotten still they were really fun to make. This album is about the high demands that the music creator put upon himself early in his career. In a way he longed to become someone else still he loved making music. The variation between the songs in the record should display some kind of realization dawning upon him and ending in a calm way. A self-fulfilling prophecy? (On a serious note Andreas Ingo strives harder to accomplish with his art these days than before but he had a "calmer" period in between making his first works and the even harder struggle nowadays...) ~ Download the songs in the album as MP3-Files below. 01 - In The Name Of Love 02 - The Gift 03 - Soul Equation ~ Enjoy! |
Rebirth(An electronic music album by Andreas Ingo)![]() An electronic music album made with the intention to describe the feeling of possible eternal life. A life with continual deaths and rebirths to evolve in the process and "somewhere-sometime" be resurrected in paradise. Something we humans only can dream about. ~ It was made in FastTracker 2 for MS-DOS with great attention made to different electronic effects such as vibrato and tremolo. Great attention was also made to build special music structures, "a slick production", a heavy sound with great musical ideas and sound-quality. ~ If something can be taken away from this attempt from the composer's perspective is that limits are a product of the imagination. A true musician must go all the way! ~ Download the songs in the album as MP3-Files below. (Listen to the songs in the right order for a better listening experience.) 01 - Rebirth 02 - Wander 03 - Transparent 04 - Fixation 05 - Paradisia ~ Download the cover to the album in full size here. ~ Enjoy! |
![]() - ~ - GROVE - ~ -(AN ELECTRONIC MUSIC ALBUM BY ANDREAS INGOA fun record made with the intention to arose the feeling of pleasure in the composer and his listeners. It's easy to draw parallells to great sex, to epic battles in scifi-action-movies and the confrontation of death as a sublime thing in art. Pleasure that also can be somewhat deep - isn't that what life is about in the end after all? ~ It was made with the intention to combine heavy metal music with electronic elements to create a unique experience with lots of darkness, colour and light combined. ~ No message is conveyed except to make the listener feel inspired to enjoy the music for what it is - a fun ride! A masterpiece from the composer's perspective! ~ Download the songs in the album as MP3-Files below. (Listen to the songs in the right order for a better listening experience.) 01 - Swirl 02 - Grove 03 - Drained 04 - Transport 05 - X Finale 06 - Taken Back ~ Download the cover to the album in full size here. ~ Enjoy! |
A Series Of Digital Paintings With An Abstract Visual LanguageBY ANDREAS INGO- ~ - Click On The Images For Full Size Views - ~ -![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
"Chairs"A Digital Painting By Andreas IngoClick On The Painting To See The Full Size Original!![]() ...A distant memory merging with impressions from the now-time...The time of the end of summer 2022! |
"Rama"A Digital Painting By Andreas Ingo InspiredByArthur C. Clarke's Science-Fiction Book "Rendezvous With Rama"![]() ...How a young adult mind went "cosmic" due to books like this......Entering Sci-Fi Heaven...Download the full size original here. |
Period III - "The Synthesis Of Found Images & Personal Expression" |
"The Call Of Nature"A Digital Painting By Andreas Ingo![]() ...What if nature had a secret only known by those few willing to surrender......to the wild...Download the full size original here. |
![]() "Afraid"A Music Album By Andreas IngoA deeply personal album describing a strange fascination for and fear of the current time."Blackstage" lyrics describes a feeling the writer of the songs feels sometimes - it's a feeling of being "insignificant" especially in a time hard to grasp intellectually. It's important to remain positive though. Being true to himself he believes current times - as well as past times - can be seen in a shade of grey. Listen to the songs (in Mp3-Format) in the right order below: 01 - Afraid 02 - Italic 03 - Blackshift 04 - Flute X 05 - Blackstage ~ Blackstage LyricsThe world as a stage with the fearful observation |
![]() "The Water Basin"A Digital Painting By Andreas IngoAs divine play combine with a deep water well.Elks worry some squirrels. Man shall sometimes come by. To bend the rules of nature life. ~ Download the digital painting as a JPG-File here. Enjoy! |
![]() "Repetition"An Alternative Music Record By Andreas IngoA deep journey into counter-cultureA deep album about revolution. How revolution affects the mind. The emotions. Relations. How over-thinking can obstruct true progress when a free-thinker tries too hard to change the world. How deep silence as found in concentration exercises and meditation can alter the outcome. Still the free-thinker sometimes feels he knows nothing at all... ~ Listen to the songs (in Mp3-Format) in the right order below: 01 - Repetition 02 - Backstage 03 - Heat 04 - Cold Cold LyricsA cold embrace of a temper modified. |
"Digital"A Digital Music Record With A Positive Vibe...Let The Music Speak For Itself...~ A work that has grown on the composer as time passes on...Feeling passionate and professional.~ Listen to the songs (in Mp3-Format) in the right order below: 01 - Digital 02 - Waveform 03 - Fractal Enjoy! |
"Newsong"A Progressive Rock Song By Andreas Ingo~ Newsong
A work to fill the void of an empty day!~ Enjoy! |
"3D"An Electronic Music Album By Andreas Ingo~ An electronic music album created with 3D-positional instruments in FastTracker II for the PC. A record with a unified structure to it. "3D" is the title song for this homepage!~ Listen to the songs (in Mp3-Format) in the right order below for a deeper listening experience: 01 - 3D 02 - 3D-II 03 - 3D-III ~ Enjoy! |
![]() BelowAn Avant-Gardistic Music Album By Andreas IngoWritten And Performed In The Summer Of 2024A bold music experiment describing a gruelling path of transcendence due to an economic crisis in the musician's life. The need for education and social welfare funds to survive dark times ahead. But it was also a path that had its rewards possible to hear in the music.Experimentation in a sonic way was made with imposing tonality in music structures combined with the strumming of chords on the guitar. The vocals and the depth of lyrical content added to the soundscape. Some references to music history were made with two cover songs combining with original material to build a mix of past rock songs and personal leanings. Songs that the musician felt expressed his message in a great way. The music album is a personal victory for the composer/performer as it truly captured his dark destiny. That he had to rise above his predicament, learn the rules of the game, becoming more of a leader socially and even mastering poker games. It's quite a personal statement elevating the composer in the end. Listen to the songs in the right order (in MP3-format) here: (Andreas Ingo recommends using pretty high volume when listening to pick up the power and nuances of the music.) 01 - Below 02 - Perceiving 03 - Card Player 04 - The River Of Soul 05 - Breathe Enjoy! |
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