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A daring adventure into the heart of the multi-verse.
![]() About the SiteContinuation is a project that the author ever had in mind when he dreamt of alien lands and countless adventures as a young adolescent. The endless journey. Confronting new places, new people and strange habitats. This dream was about to become a reality when he started with travel as a young adult. First going by car in his home country Sweden. Then extending this to include South Europe, South East Asia, India and South Africa. But it's a journey that not only includes physical space. But also the space of the fictional worlds of science-fiction writers, progressive rock musicians and the great surrealist artists. It also includes the spiritual space of the astral worlds and the inner sphere of darkness, love and emotion. Now moving into filmmaking to a large extent.Continuation is the lifelong process of enlightenment and personal liberation put to words in a fictional context. Using fictional themes as metaphor's for the author's journey. Striving for high art and the abstract but still being grounded in the solid frame of the multi-verse. The works presented on this site reflects the author's journey but also his solid passion for images, music and writing. And he is commited to keep this process going as long as he lives. He simply has not found any greater passion in life. Pushing further. Exploring the unknown with the philosophy to brake new ground, explore new ideas and concepts. And at the same time find way for great emotion. As a sharp intellect has to be combined with great emotion to feel the change occuring within. Starting a revolution - creating one's own future.describing the quest of enlightenment described by some works on this site. To be read a dark and lonely night. ~ Also take a look at two digital painting collections (In PDF-Format) by Andreas Ingo with a spiritual message: "The Secret Of The Golden Age" and "Revelation". Enjoy! |
![]() About the AuthorAndreas Ingo was born in Vasteras, Sweden on Jan 30, 1978. He began his writing career in his teenage years with a fairly clumpsy attempt at writing a short story. This was the story of a female mind-control victim making battle with mysterious alien beings. Taking place in a dark universe with bold characters. This story was called Alien Forever. It was bad on all accounts but the initial inspiration made him build on that story. It took shape later in the form of a movie script, a novella and at last a full length novel. These story-lines just improved with time as the author never could leave the initial inspiration behind. Hounted in dreams, day-dreams and physical encounters. The author is not interested in trivia. He is fond of exploring the big questions: The mystery of space, time and existence. He is interested in occultism, spirituality, travels, chance encounters with strangers, philosophy, art and science. He is getting more involved with politics. But this is politics of freedom and liberation, not conformity. As a writer his main influences used to be the classic science-fiction author's like Arthur C. Clarke, Stanislaw Lem and Robert A. Heinlein. Later he has developed a big interest in the classic horror writers such as Arthur Machen, H.P Lovecraft and Robert Louis Stevenson. Nowadays he is more interested in the great novelists including Ernest Hemingway, Vladimir Nabokov, Albert Camus, Jorge Luis Borges and George Orwell. What is of greatest importance to him is that the story is intellectually satisfying and has a powerful message. And secondarily that it is emotionally touching and evokes a feeling connecting to the depths of human nature. Third that a great craftmanship is involved. These kind of writings tend to be very memorable and rewarding. Musically the author is heavily influenced by electronic music giants such as Klaus Schulze, Kraftwerk and Tangerine Dream. But also progressive metal artists such as Opeth, Tool and Steven Wilson. In later years he has developed an interest in jazz and classical music giants from the past such as Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Claude Debussy and Richard Wagner. The visual art by artists such as Moebius, H.R Giger and Wayne Barlowe are consumed every now and then.
His favourite film of all time was previously "Faust" by Murnao due to the philosophical angle of the work, the acting, the script and the groundbreaking visuals. Nowadays his favourite film is "2001 - A Space Odyssey" due to the intellectual achievement and he is really fond of James Camerons films due to the heart of his films and the impeccable craftmanship. "Avatar: The Way Of Water" is a new favourite! If he would put all he stood for in one line he would say: "Discover yourself, be yourself and then move beyond yourself."Leading way for more messages below... ![]() * - - A free-spirited song by the author describing this mode of consciousness - Freedom To Speak Download the digital painting to the left (made by Andreas Ingo) in a larger version here. - * - |
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Continuation has been up and running since 2016. Leading to great knowledge, love and power. Connecting to what usually is described as The Universal Mind. Read My New Spiritual System Online or download it My New Spiritual System - (PDF-File). Some time ago the Second Part Of The Spiritual System (Read Online) was presented (last edit 2022-04-01) simply called -My New Spiritual System - Part II - Devolution - (PDF-File) This second part of "My New Spiritual System" is about the additional wisdom of the soul from the perspective of the author. And how to ease down in a balanced way actually can make a human evolve. Not abandoning all ambitions but realizing the visdom of "no-ambitions" and building energy for more activity and higher pursuits. Topics include using good sleep, no-thinking and deep rest to replace passionate activity, sometimes becoming less social to not become emotionally drained and the odd idea of affirming less-thinking to build more intelligence. The book can be a bit critical of progress and evolution in general but it has an uplifting message in the end. Now (2022-08-27) The Third Part Of "My New Spiritual System" (Read Online) is released simply called My New Spiritual System - Part III - Revolution - (PDF-File) and its about the mind-set and activity of spiritual revolution in the manner conducted by the author (Andreas Ingo). In some ways it's a natural continuation of the ideas that have accumulated over the years (presented in Part I and Part II of the system) but moving away a bit from the idea of relative isolation and affirming the idea of alternative movie watching on the net (On YouTube as an example) to inspire to revolution and future deeds. And many things are mentioned about money too as money many times is required to make any substantial imprint on the external world. A thrilling chapter about socializing - using hot conversation tecniques to make an imprint upon others in less formal settings - is one chapter the author is very pleased with. To feel the love of inspiring other people along their own paths! That and a fitting end to this spiritual trilogy of texts! Three key works of classical music have been written by Andreas Ingo to express the message of this Continuation-site by an emotional language. One is called "Celestial Darkness" and it's very dark, odd and mysterious. The second work is called "A Kind Of Balance Divine" and is brighter, more spiritual and uplifting and sets the tone for a third classical work "The Color Of Life Defined" to be found on this homesite.
Making room for intellectual leaps that stresses the importance of choosing the intellect as the decisive force in life. To choose consciously, build one's own values and to perceive life with subjective glasses. Moving beyond the will but listening to the will for a better understanding of the self. Retrospect consideration: After several readings of the "The Other" the writer has come to some conclusions regarding the message conveyed. And that is that the work sometimes can feel a bit cold (With some character-based "paranoia" described at depth) regardless of the fact that the writer tried to incorporate positive emotion in the work to make in more human and to combine it with the intellectual rigor of "Ascension" and to present an original work more grounded in contemporary culture. The message is that future revolution must be grounded in a holistic science described by intellectuals in the future but still find space for subjective leanings, ego, will and emotion (with a love based upon self-interest) so that the hard problem of losing track of the self can be overcome. The work even described a path of returning to the wild to find space for individual expression. According to the writer though the work can be enjoyed on its own terms. Where story, character, world-building and a rugged realism grounded in contemporary culture can overcome the problem with "the cold" sometimes experienced as the ideas conveyed in the book can resonate in the hearts and minds of readers knowing about the things happening online for instance. That means that many sites present unconventional knowledge to the masses for free. Regarding the message it can be more deeply understood on an emotional level with additional works of digital paintings and music presented here on the about page.Scroll down - just listen, look at the images, read and enjoy! |
![]() ![]() Response From ReadersA lot of transformations have occurred to the artist during his years working on the site. But on the whole the response from his readers has been astounding overall. Not just limited to fiction but also concerning his travel stories, his music, his articles about personal development, spirituality and more. These works have changed the lives of several people he has met. It's his uncompromising attitude to be true to his self no matter the investment. They appreciate his earnest will to present revealing texts for no charge. And being completely original in the process. He has been discovered as a featured author on Booksie.com some years ago. Becoming selected as a "Featured" author of novels such as Ascension by a group of people. For quality content. Earlier he was selected for the Swedish anthology "Maskinblod 2" available in many Swedish libraries. He was reviewed positively by Swedish writing students and teachers at “Ölands folkhögskola” and “Geijerskolan”. For the writing of stories in swedish language such as “Ideer” and “Vaktskifte”. Changes in writing style have developed over the years as he has progressed on his path as a writer. According to most readers they like the positive emotion, the will to break new ground and explore new concepts. It’s also the sense of character, solid world-building skills and a deep personal touch. People love the way his works present a passionate escape from ordinary matters. Still being honest (And metaphorically “realistic”) in approach. Lately people have been very much inspired by the new music on the page. New digital paintings ("The Secret Of The Golden Age" in particular) have also made some take notice. Moving away a bit from individuality into the impersonal. Many recent works of music (including "Airlock") have elaborated further upon this theme. Filling an empty void with inner truths resonating in the deep unconscious. A need for clarity, love and emotion sorely lacking in the modern world. The author is communicating with his readers and listeners on Facebook. The general impression is that most people are easy to reach concerning all kind of topics. The author is fond of establishing a good connection with his readers, watchers and listeners. And what has been revealed in these encounters is that the ideas presented on this site are pretty easy to comprehend for most people. It's sometimes about the obvious. Still just "obvious" for the ones truly stumbling on these ideas.
Topics that have been appreciated by many are the knowledge of the self, the ego and an unconventional life-style. Finding the way to a greater appreciation of the "hidden" aspects of the self. But also topics like travel adventures, general intelligence, systems of control, personal love and spiritual enlightenment. A few of his songs “Plateaus” ,"Futile Dimensionality" and "Fragments" more than enough sums up his consciousness. Listen, watch, read and enjoy! |
![]() A Period Of SeclusionSometimes it's best to leave social life behind. This happened to the author in the end of 2018 as he felt he lost a lot of depth by mixing up his unconventional life-style with the demands from others to conform to their patterns. In fact he had to give up social life to some extent for a life of adventures in nature instead. A choice visualized by a digital painting the author made in the end of 2019 as seen on the picture "Eagles" above. |
Celestial DarknessA new musical work presented by the composer to his readers as a surprise. Celestial Darkness is a work lacking reference in any form of music as the composer experiences it. It is bold, uncompromizing, blending genres such as electronic music, classical music and movie soundtracks. It is about a dark journey the composer went trough as he lost his energy due to a psychological problem concerning evolution of consciousness. The composer had to confront the eerie observation of a coming death as he lost his energy lying in his bed thinking he just couldn't walk any longer. The musical work is about the regaining of life by the impossible decision to go to work despite the fact he just couldn't handle it on the surface. Musically it is building on a multi-track composition using instruments such as the violin, the piano and the flute. Great attention has been made to build upon long silences, the C-minor scale and subdued electronic string parts. Attention has also been made to create an eerie feeling with a dark mysterious embrace. This musical work is the culmination of a long period by the composer (Andreas Ingo) where he found his way back to social life and revolution by neglecting dark feelings he experienced in social situations. Reflected as a dissonant part in the musical work continued by a low-key string part with an added silence. It was a period of overcoming, of occult science and true life experiments with social events gaining clarity to move beyond accumulated illusions in the deep subconscious. The main insight the author has gained from the period of overcoming which he aims to describe to his readers is the fact that love has to be an egoistical thing, moving beyond the concept of christian love (meaning self-sacrifice) and instead building upon free will and passion resulting in personal happiness. An individual enterprise. Love is not a self-sacrificial thing to the author but a thing making the individual stronger and more attuned to the reality of the Universal Mind experienced sometimes in nature. From the author's perspective his mission is primarily to relieve his readers from boredom. The composer recommends connecting the audio output of the computer to a good audio system with high volume.
Mindless![]() Beyond the ordinary path of existence a new record was made in the end of the summer of 2020. This record describes the journey of liberation the composer/singer/songwriter made during the summer. A path of liberation aiming to liberate the artist from the bondage of isolation, wrong surroundings and lack of money. Affirming spiritual love and a deep connection to old friends! The record is made up of four songs. Each song describing the journey Andreas Ingo made as he progressed towards his goal.
Listen to the songs in the right order for a deeper listening experience. Enjoy! 01 - Jazzed02 - Escape 03 - Optic Nerve 04 - Mutual Trust The cover to the record can be downloaded in a larger version here. |
![]() The Secret Of The Golden AgeA new digital painting was made in the middle of autumn 2020 as seen above. This painting represents the hidden treasures found beyond travel on the other side in the dimensions of the afterlife. It has a certain New Age vibe still it's not limited to that piece of philosophy. Rather building on the comic book artists such as Moebius, Siemens and Jodorowsky. ![]() A comic book look the artist (Andreas Ingo) found when looking up images on the net some time ago. Still the painting has a deep personal touch he discovered when he started painting on his digital reading device and later on his personal computer in the summer of 2019. It represents the will to transcend individual consciousness to move into the light. Take a look at the painting to the right "The Tree Of Life" which was one painting that started the artist's journey into digital painting. From the beginning "The Secret Of The Golden Age" had a hint of madness and war but that element was removed in a later stage and improved the art according to the artist. It was an experiment with spiritual powers the artist have understood have to be intellectually balanced. Close to the end he understood that love has to be balanced with reason giving birth to comedy as described by philosophers such as Aristotle.
Don't take love too seriously. Don't overestimate your powers.
Enjoy life in deep rest and do whatever you need to do to survive.
Then leave room for love and passion.
Listen and enjoy! |
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SublimityA new classical work inspired by the composer's experience with Universal Mind. It's about the deep amusement to delve deep into the heart of the multi-verse. The work is built upon a structure of the string quartet in classical music very much used before by composers such as Ludvig Van Beethoven hundreds of years ago. This is a work that strives for nuance, spirit and complexity.The purpose of the work is to inspire others along similar lines. Listen and enjoy. Sublimity can be downloaded as a MP3-File here: Sublimity |
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![]() PoisonAn experimental record made using the FastTracker II program for MS-DOS with a synthetic perspective. It is about the dream of revolution primarily as described by Ludvig Van Beethoven in his symphony "Eroica" hundreds of years ago. Still it is not classic music by any means. Rather a somewhat somber electronic dreamscape with edgy elements to find a music structure more complex than many ordinary attempts in popular music. Download the cover and listen to the songs in the right order for a better musical experience. 01 - Wavelength 02 - Sure 03 - Roughneck 04 - Shadowplay Inner states beyond static... |
AirlockA classical piece of music made with the intention to describe the feeling of humanism in musical terms. Describing the intention to work for human rights in a world clouded by self-interest. To replace christian values with humanism in the modern era where science, art and creativity to some extent have made organized religion obsolete. In technical terms the work is made from a dynamic perspective where subtle variations in tempo, intensity and volume suggest the theme described with inspiration coming primarily from Claude Debussy's "Clair De Lune". Download Airlock here. Enjoy! |
DarkAn experimental electronic piece of music made from the perspective of structure and form using four tracks in a tracker program. One with a heavy bassline, one with a synth-voice for riffing, one for melody and finally one for percussion. Experimenting with the form actually finding inspiration from this simple setup to bend the possibilities of music. A heavy sound with dark vocals about existential issues. Download the song here. Enjoy! |
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